“The motion of yin and yang generates all things in nature.” Meh Jiuzhang and Guo Lei.“Yin and Yang are the two opposites which control the universe and thus the human body.” George Lucas.“The reason as to why we are attracted to our opposites is because they are our salvation from the burden of being ourselves.” Kamand Kojouri.We can learn a lot from these 40 yin and yang quotes that express this sacred dance of existence. In short, Yin and Yang is a complex duality that is a fun and mentally interesting way to view the world. The Tao symbol expresses the balance between opposites by which the universe is controlled. The eastern world has always understood that the intermingling of light and dark is the primary force of life. It became popular with the work of the Chinese school of Yinyang which studied cosmology and philosophy in the 3rd Century BCE. Yin and Yang are fundamental concepts in Chinese culture and the notion has impacted philosophers for literally centuries. Old and New, and Dark and Light are two other common examples. For example Light and Dark need each other to exist and are the opposites. The principle of Yin and Yang is that everything exists as related and contradictory opposites.