Bing maps street view
Bing maps street view

If you are live connecting to SQL Server Analysis Services, you will need to set the data categorization outside of Power BI using SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT). To learn more, see Data categorization in Power BI Desktop. These data categories help Bing correctly encode the data. From the ribbon, select the Column tools tab and then set the Data Category to Address, City, Continent, Country, County, Postal Code, State, or Province. In Power BI Desktop, you can ensure fields are correctly geo-coded by setting the Data Category on the data fields. Categorize geographic fields in Power BI Desktop If you have access to the dataset that is being used to create the map visualization, there are a few things you can do to increase the likelihood of correct geo-coding.ġ. In the dataset: tips to improve the underlying dataset Data from the Legend bucket (and the Color saturation bucket when you use a Shape Map in Power BI Desktop) is not sent to Bing. In this second example below, the field Territory is being used for geo-coding, so the values in the Territory column are sent to Bing. Data from the Size bucket is not sent to Bing. In the example below, the field PostalCode is being used for geo-coding, so the values in the PostalCode column are sent to Bing. Whatever data is in the Location, Latitude, or Longitude bucket is sent to Bing.

bing maps street view

Otherwise, any data in the Location bucket is sent to Bing.įilled maps require a field in the Location bucket even if latitude and longitude are provided. To learn more, see Bing Maps privacy.įor maps (bubble, scatter, and dot plot maps), if latitude and longitude are provided, then no data is sent to Bing. This may include the data in the Location, Latitude, and Longitude buckets of the visual's field well.

bing maps street view

The Power BI service and Power BI Desktop send Bing the geo data it needs to create the map visualization. The second set of tips is things you can do in Power BI if you don't have access to the dataset. The first set of tips is for you to use if you have access to the dataset itself. To increase the likelihood of correct geo-coding, use the following tips.

bing maps street view

If Power BI tries, but can't create the map visualization on its own, it enlists the help of Bing Maps. Together they use algorithms to identify the correct location, but sometimes it's a best guess. Power BI integrates with Bing Maps to provide default map coordinates (a process called geo-coding) so you can create maps.

Bing maps street view