Universal media server not working right
Universal media server not working right

universal media server not working right

Here you can choose the folders you want to share and I also checked the “Hide #–Transcode–# Folder” option as you don’t want these cluttering up your view of the files. There are many things you can configure but the main thing we want to look at are under the “Navigation/Share Settings” tab.

universal media server not working right universal media server not working right

After installing UMS you will be presented with the form below: It is a DLNA compliant UPnP server that is written in Java so it will work on Windows, Linux and OSX. After doing a bit of searching I found the Universal Media Server. Most modern TVs, games consoles, mobile phones and many more devices are DLNA certified so it would be ideal if our server software can interface with devices as well. Also, many modern devices also support DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance). So our server will have to support these. There are a set of networking protocols that allow this which come under the Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) system. Well ideally you want some software that can interface with all of your devices (not just Android). The first step is to set up a media server. To get this working there are a number of steps that you will have to follow which I will outline below. I naively thought something like this would have been supported as standard in the latest version of Android (v4.2.2 at the time of writing) but it isn’t. One of the first things I wanted to do with it was to be able to stream my music and films to it over my home network. A couple of weeks ago I purchased an Android tablet (The Google Nexus 7 which is excellent btw).

Universal media server not working right